St John's
Church of England
Primary & Nursery School
School Reception: 01306 884506
an academy in The Good Shepherd Trust
In harmony we..
Nurture, Inspire, Flourish
In the name of Jesus, The Good Shepherd.
“I have come that they may have life, and have it in all its fullness. I am the Good Shepherd” John 10:10-11
The Halls

The Large Hall: is approximately 11m x 15.2m. The Large Hall houses a piano, P.A system, dekstop, projector and a 3 metre x 2 metre automated drop down cinema screen. Up to 100 chairs, 15 long tables and 4 round tables (seating 8 people on stools) are available for use within the hire costs. In addition “The Kitchen Room” can be hired if you would like to cater for refreshments with your hall hire (see ‘The Kitchen Room’ link). Toilet facilities are also included in Hall hire.
The Small Hall: is approximately 10.5m x 12.6m. The Small Hall has a small audio system for CDs/radio and also included in the hire costs is the provision of up to 60 chairs and 10 long tables. Toilet facilities are also included in Hall Hire.
The Halls are available to hire at the following times;
Term times - 5pm-10.30pm weekdays
9am-10.30pm weekends
School holidays - 8am-10.30pm weekdays
9am-10.30pm weekends
The cost to hire the Large Hall is £30 per hour and the cost for hiring the Small hall is £25 per hour.
If you are interested in hiring the facilities at St John's please contact the School on 01306 884506 or email bookings@stjohnsdorking.uk
If you wish to discuss any event whist it is taking place at St John’s please dial 01306 884506 and select the option for our Senior Leadership Team. Jacky Fyson, Headteacher, will then be able to respond directly or arrange for a member of our team to do so.