St John's
Church of England
Primary & Nursery School
School Reception: 01306 884506
an academy in The Good Shepherd Trust
In harmony we..
Nurture, Inspire, Flourish
In the name of Jesus, The Good Shepherd.
“I have come that they may have life, and have it in all its fullness. I am the Good Shepherd” John 10:10-11
School Uniform
School Uniform Online Ordering
Gooddies, a family run business which supplies many schools across the country, is our registered school uniform supplier.
Several items of school uniform are embroidered with the school logo and these can only be purchased from Gooddies. These include the round and v necked sweatshirts, cardigans, Red polo shirts, house colour t-shirts, book bags, PE bags and backpacks.
Additional but non-compulsory items include reversible fleece lined showerproof jackets, Hoodies for PE, tracksuits, caps and beanie style hats.
All items are of a high quality and exceptionally well priced. Samples of these additional items are available to see at the school office.
All children in the school are expected to wear the embroidered sweatshirts or cardigans and house colour t-shirts and use the embroidered book bags, PE and swim bags.
Uniform can be delivered to home for a small fee or are delivered free to the school.
Ties, baseball caps and water bottles can only be purchased directly through the school office with payment made on ParentPay.
Sizing samples for the uniform are available at the office and a small number of embroidered items are available to buy from school, though we do encourage parents to order online directly with Gooddies.
Please visit www.gooddies.co.uk and follow the link to find your school.
Gooddies deliver twice a month to the school and orders made before the 15th of each month will be delivered at the end of that month. Orders made after the 15th of any month will be delivered on the 15th of the following month.
We also offer a second hand uniform sale so please do come into the office and enquire about this.
All uniform should be clearly named and we recommend My Nametags.com as a tried and tested option. These versatile stick on labels can be applied to clothes and equipment and are washing machine, dishwasher and microwave proof. Please order on line and quote School ID 24764. Alternatively special laundry marker is available from Robert Dyas or WHSmith.
Lost Property
Any named item of clothing will be kept in the School Lost Property Box for one term. Unnamed clothing will be laundered and resold at termly second hand uniform sales.
Jewellery is not allowed in school. Pierced earrings are permitted but only small stud type should be worn during school time. Children will be required to remove earrings before PE and should be capable of doing so themselves as staff are not permitted to remove earrings for them. Younger children should be discouraged from wearing earrings to avoid injury and we would ask that ear piercing take place at the beginning of the 6 week summer holiday so that healing can take place before children return to school.