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Pupil Parliament at St John’s

Pupil Parliament has a fundamental role in helping St. John’s flourish and, each month, meet to review, share

thoughts and suggest ways St. John’s can become even better! 

Living the British Value of Democracy, the process of being

elected at St. John’s begins by putting a speech together to

explain why they would like to be part of Pupil Parliament

and the differences they would make. After hearing their

candidates, each class visits the voting booths in the hall to

cast their vote.

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With thanks to Mole Valley District Council, the children cast their votes into authentic ballot boxes. At this stage, children gain a real sense of what it is like to have the privilege to vote and have a say on who they would like to represent them.

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Once the votes are counted, two children from each class, with the highest number of votes, are elected to represent their class in Pupil Parliament.


Held each month, Pupil Parliament meetings are led by our School Ambassadors. Meetings follow the Pupil Parliament meeting schedule, with discussions about health and safety, sport, harmony, environment, healthy eating, sustainability and behaviour as well as any other large scale matters.

We have Pupil Parliament to thank for our trim trail, minibuses (and the logo design on them), the covering of our swimming pool for all year round use, playground markings, the Glade outdoor amphitheatre, the change of name of our house groups, Fitness Friday … the list goes on!

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Pupil Parliament Ministers serve for one term. At the end of their term in office, each minister is thanked and the work they have done is recognised.


The voting process begins again at the start of a new term.

Children are proud to be part of Pupil Parliament and recognise the impact they make.

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