St John's
Church of England
Primary & Nursery School
School Reception: 01306 884506
an academy in The Good Shepherd Trust
In harmony we..
Nurture, Inspire, Flourish
In the name of Jesus, The Good Shepherd.
“I have come that they may have life, and have it in all its fullness. I am the Good Shepherd” John 10:10-11
At St John’s C of E Primary School we aspire to provide an all-round physical education curriculum that encourages all pupils to have a love and passion to succeed that aims to provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way that supports their health and fitness throughout their lives.
We know that P.E is an integral part of our curriculum where we offer an inclusive, broad, varied and progressive curriculum where the aim is for our children to develop physically, creatively, socially and emotionally and strive to offer opportunities in Dance, Gymnastics, Swimming and Games such as football, hockey, basketball, netball, cricket, badminton and tennis.
We hope that through all our schools sporting opportunities, that we believe our children should be physically active every day, whether through daily physical activity, P.E lessons, lunchtime or extra-curricular activity. Where children compete in a variety of competitions during school time or by representing the school at local and district events, the children will develop greater confidence in competing in sports and other activities to build character and help to embed our Harmony curriculum as well as values such as fairness, teamwork and respect.
It is also of paramount importance that we create sporting leaders during the children’s time at St John’s. We aim to offer children the opportunity to lead sporting activities, organised games, events and learn to lead by example. By placing an emphasis on leadership we hope the children learn the importance of communication, organisation, team work, perseverance and respect for rules.
Develop the key skills that children need to be successful in PE and Sport and across the curriculum
All children achieving 25 metre or above by the end of Year 6 and Water Safety Awareness award.
Inspire children to take up extra sports activities and to enjoy an active life
In Early Years the children love the indoors sports activities, as well as the outdoor activities and we believe that each has equal value. The children will explore fundamental movement skills alongside social skills, providing a link to the Early Learning Goals of the Foundation Stage Curriculum.

Nursery Swimming lessons

Nursery learning to dig and stretch their arms independently
The children love our school swimming pool as all children have the opportunity to swim every week even in the winter months as part of their learning skills. All these early skills and learning is to help build self-control, motor skills, basic water skills and learning with an element of fun.
In Key Stage 1 children will aim to build on their skills of agility, coordination and balance the children will develop their fundamental skills which will give them the building blocks to become competent and confident in a range of physical activities. The children will apply these skills they have learnt and put them into practice, in three main areas: locomotion (moving in a range of ways that include: walking, running, jumping and dodging), stability (balancing) and object control (sending, receiving and controlling an object). They will use these building blocks to help them participate in team games, developing simple tactics for attacking and defending. Pupils are also given opportunities to experience and develop their leadership skills.
Gymnastic co-ordination and balancing

In Key Stage 2 children will aim to build on the skills they have learnt in KS1, which will enable them to access adapted versions of games. The children will continue to apply and develop their fundamental skills linking them together to make actions and sequences of movement. They will use this to help them play a range of competitive games, applying basic principles of attacking and defending. In addition to this they will develop their flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance and will perform dances that use a range of movement. In P.E. lessons children will communicate, collaborate and compete with each other and they will be given the opportunity to evaluate their performances, recognising how they can improve their performance and celebrating their own success. Children will be given a variety of different opportunities to lead within PE, Sport and Physical Activity. By the end of KS2, we believe
Physical activity is an inherent part of the school ethos, were we offer a number of after school clubs i.e. Football, Dance, Table Tennis, Athletes, Kwik cricket, Physifun, Quick stick
District Sports Quick Stick Hockey Year 5 & 6

Hockey, and many more. This inspires school children to nurture lifelong commitment to sport through educational visits, signposting pupils to outside school clubs and celebrating pupil and adult expertise.
Year 5/6 Girls Football Team Year 4/5 Girls Football Team

Year 5/6 Boys Football Team Year 4 Boys Football Team

We share close links with local partners i.e. Dorking Wanderers football club, Dorking tennis club, Dorking rugby club, YMCA, Swim England, to inspire our children to engage and join local organisation to further their love of sport and make new friends. We also links with Active Surrey were all children are able to engage in additional school challenges like Physifun, Skipping workshops, Table tennis, Dance workshops and winter – summer inter house competition. To provide an all-inclusive physical education curriculum were all children are able to participate and engage in a range of activities.
St Johns Jaguars Football Team

Physifun Inter Schools challenge work shop

Skipping Challenge Work Shop

All our children enjoy and participate in two hours of physical education P.E activity per week with additional 30 minutes of extra physical fun challenges i.e. run to Lapland, Hula hooping, skipping, and Wake up Shake up 10 minutes blast (imoves), which has had a huge impact on fitness and health & wellbeing.
All our teachers and children inspire a positive approach to sports and we endeavour to provide a pathway for all children to journey through their sport experiences with ownership, enjoyment, and positive choices. Inside every child there are sporting talents. These we seek to nurture to ensure that each child knows what success feels like and the confidence that it brings. We will work in partnership with outside organisation to ensure that your child sports and physical skills are learned to be the best they can be.
Children will leave St John’s as reflective, confident, healthy and responsible citizens who understand and build good sporting relationships, respect and values With our close links with experts from local sporting organisations, all our children are able to take up other sports outside of school with confidence.
Furthermore, at St John’s we strive to show that there is a growing body of evidence indicating that physical activity and fitness can benefit both health and academic performance for children in school.
Luke Lennon-Ford the Olympic athlete came to visit St John's