St John's
Church of England
Primary & Nursery School
School Reception: 01306 884506
an academy in The Good Shepherd Trust
In harmony we..
Nurture, Inspire, Flourish
In the name of Jesus, The Good Shepherd.
“I have come that they may have life, and have it in all its fullness. I am the Good Shepherd” John 10:10-11
Jolly John's Play Farm

Jolly John’s Play Farm is set in a one acre paddock within the School’s grounds and offers an enchanting setting for social gatherings, learning courses, workshops, Forest School and special events. Raised growing beds intermingled with pathways invite you to explore the Play Farm’s calm and natural surroundings which include a Willow Tunnel, Celtic Walled Roundhouse, Wildlife Pond and Polytunnel with ‘nurture growing beds’ and a new Peace Garden.
Jolly John’s houses a 37metre square ‘Eco’ Learning Lodge, providing an all-weather space with ample seating for up to 30 children or 20 adults. The Lodge, which has 8 electrical sockets, looks out onto the Play Farm’s raised beds through four sets of restored Georgian Patio Doors providing an excellent and ‘natural centerpiece’ for those wishing to take advantage of this uniquely natural environment.
In addition Jolly John’s now has brand new outdoor kitchen with stainless steel worktops and 6 electrical sockets all set beneath a beautiful wooden canopy.
Those wishing to hire the outdoor Trim ‘Activity’ Trail have free use of Jolly John’s Play Farm and all its facilities throughout the agreed hire period. The Trim Trail, which is set opposite the entrance to Jolly John’s Play Farm, is ideal for children who enjoy play, climbing and exploring!
Jolly John’s Play Farm is a partnership project of both the School and volunteers from our community who maintain and develop the Play Farm’s facilities.
The Trim Trail including free access to Jolly John’s Play farm is available to hire at the following times;
Term Times - 4pm – 9pm weekdays (daylight permitting)
9am - 9pm weekends (daylight permitting)
School Holidays - 9am-9pm throughout the week/weekends
The cost of hiring is £45 an hour. If you wish to have a Forest School themed party or catering supplied there is an additional cost.
If you are interested in hiring the facilities at St John's please contact the School on 01306 884506 or email bookings@stjohnsdorking.uk
If you wish to discuss any event whist it is taking place at St John’s please dial 01306 884506 and select the option for our Senior Leadership Team. Jacky Fyson, Headteacher, will then be able to respond directly or arrange for a member of our team to do so.