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Trust, Love, Cooperation, Courage, Resilience, Respect


Communication is something St John's takes very seriously because it has a direct impact on the child's learning experience. 

We use Arbor for all communication at St John's. 


The system will allow the school to contact via app / email / voice call parents and give a news feed for messages and current learning activities within the classroom. There are personalised calendars for each child and home pages with all the information parents need.


We hope that this tool will give you all information in one place.


Some feeds will link directly to Facebook so please do follow us on these platforms so you are keeping up to date communication.

A half termly newsletter will update you with events, learning experiences and updates for the whole school. Each class also produces a half termly newsletter and progression map to share the learning opportunities at St John's. Weekly updates are sent out via parent reps on our 'What's Appening' page to remind parents of up and coming events.



St. John's C of E is a primary school in Dorking

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