St John's
Church of England
Primary & Nursery School
School Reception: 01306 884506
an academy in The Good Shepherd Trust
In harmony we..
Nurture, Inspire, Flourish
In the name of Jesus, The Good Shepherd.
“I have come that they may have life, and have it in all its fullness. I am the Good Shepherd” John 10:10-11
Promoting British Values
What are British values and how do we promote the at the St John's C of E Primary School?
According to DfE, British values are: democracy; the rule of law; individual liberty; mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith.
As of November 2014, schools must now promote British values. Advice from the DfE is to do so through Social Moral Spiritual and Cultural education (SMSC), and through the curriculum too.
At St John's C of E Primary School, you will encounter these values throughout our everyday school life. Below is just a snap shot of how we promote these values in our school community:
Pupil voice plays a big part in life at our school. Our Pupil Parliament play a strong role in our school. They are elected by their class peers and are involved in making St John's C of E Primary School a better place to learn. Curriculum leaders meet with pupils as part of their monitoring. Pupil questionnaires and interviews are also conducted throughout the year. We know that the formation of the school Pupil Parliament and the active participation of our pupils will sow the seeds for a more sophisticated understanding of democracy in the future.
The Rule of Law:
Our pupils will encounter rules and laws throughout their lives. To help pupils we help pupils understand that whether laws govern the class, the school, the neighbourhood or the country, they are set for good reasons and benefit us when they are adhered to. This importance of rules will be consistently reinforced through assemblies and our curriculum. Through Personal Social Health Education (PSHE) and Religious Education (RE) we allow opportunity to debate and discuss the reasons for laws so children can recognise the importance of these for their own protection. Throughout the year we welcome visits from members of the wider community including police, the fire brigade and many more. We believe that clear explanations and real life stories emphasise the importance of the Rule of Law for our pupils. This value is discretely taught through our Curriculum Themes
Individual Liberty:
We invest a lot of time in creating a positive culture in our school. This creates a
safe environment where children can make sensible choices. We offer a range
of clubs which pupils have the freedom to choose from, based on their interests.
Through our E-Safety, RE and PSHE sessions, we educate children on their rights
and personal freedoms as well as supporting them in recognising how to
exercise these freedoms safely.
Mutual Respect:
Mutual respect is at the core of our school life. Understanding and appreciation of the range of different cultures within school and further afield as an essential element of their preparation for life in modern Britain. We cover this through our Theme The Spirit of Christmas. “The Spirit of Christmas” focuses on traditions and customs in different countries, particularly those associated with Christmas. The focus is around geography and history elements, which will also develop pupils’ inter-cultural understanding and develop mutual respect for other cultures. We also address this value through Guildford's R.E. curriculum.
Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs:
St John's C of E Primary School promotes tolerance of all people. Within RE, our Principle of Diversity and assemblies we share a respect and celebrate many religions and cultures. Through our RE curriculum all major religions are studied and respected, including through visitors and visiting places of worship where possible. We strongly believe that tolerance is gained through knowledge and understanding. Through our curriculum and the routines of our daily school life, we strive to demonstrate tolerance and help children to become knowledgeable and understanding citizens who can build a better Britain for the future.
How do we prepare children and young people for life in modern Britain?
We believe that good teaching within a broad and balanced curriculum, accompanied by effective spiritual, moral, social and cultural development prepares them well for life in modern Britain and contemporary society.