St John's
Church of England
Primary & Nursery School
School Reception: 01306 884506
an academy in The Good Shepherd Trust
In harmony we..
Nurture, Inspire, Flourish
In the name of Jesus, The Good Shepherd.
“I have come that they may have life, and have it in all its fullness. I am the Good Shepherd” John 10:10-11
At St. John’s, we aim to enhance children’s visual language and love for art. We aim to develop the children’s ability to explore art through cross curricular links, work collaboratively and expose children to a range of different media and inspiring experiences. Within our lessons, we believe it is vital to focus on the creative journey and develop our artistic knowledge and key skills. We love to use our sketchbooks to collect our ideas and experiences which helps us to master techniques and work towards our final piece. Art at St John’s offers children experiences analysing the work of great artists and encourages an understanding of how art and design reflects and contributes to history, and exhibits different cultures through our Harmony Curriculum.
The national curriculum for art and design aims to ensure that all pupils:
produce creative work, exploring their ideas and recording their experiences
become proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques
evaluate and analyse creative works using the language of art, craft and design
know about great artists, craft makers and designers, and understand the historical and cultural development of their art forms.
Art at St John’s is split into 3 key areas which include developing ideas, mastering
techniques and taking inspiration from the greats. The techniques that will be
covered across the school are: drawing, printing, painting, collage, sculpture and
Develop their ideas
By the end of year 6 children should develop their ideas by collecting information, sketching, resourcing and presenting ideas in a sketch book. They should be able to adapt and refine their ideas as they progress. They will explore ideas with a variety of materials in different ways. They will also be able to comment on famous artists.
Mastering techniques
Drawing: By the end of year 6 children should be using a variety of techniques to add interesting affects such as shadows. They should also use a choice of techniques to depict movement, perspective, shadows and reflection. The will choose a style suitable for their work and use lines to represent movement.
Painting: By the end of Year 6 children should be able to sketch lightly before painting to combine line and colour. They will create a colour pallet based on colours observed in nature. They should qualities of acrylics and watercolours to create interesting pieces. They should combine colours, tones and tints to enhance a mood of a piece. They should be able to create texture using a range of brush techniques and a range of different paints. Finally, they will develop their own personal style base din ideas of different artists.
Collage: By the end of year 6 children should able to mix textures within their collage pieces and combine visual and tactile qualities. They use ceramic mosaic materials and techniques to create high quality art.
Sculpture: By Year 6 the children will show life like qualities and real life proportions within their sculptures. They will be able to use tools to create shape, texture and pattern and will combine visual and tactile qualities within their work.
Printing: By the end of Year 6 the children should be able to build up layers of colours. They will create an accurate pattern showing fine detail and use a range of visual elements to reflect the purpose of the work.
Textiles: By the end of year 6 children should show precision in techniques and be able to choose from a range of stitching techniques. They will combine previously techniques to centre pieces.
Taking inspiration from the greats
When taking inspiration from the greats the children will replicate some of the techniques used and create original pieces that are influenced by their studies.
Children will leave St John’s as creative imaginative individuals who have developed a love and appreciation of art. They will have developed their keys skills of drawing, painting, printing, textiles, collage and sculptures. They will also have taken inspiration from many of the great artists and be able to comment on their work.

Art in Year groups
Reception children drew and painted self portraits

Year 1 have been drawing in the style of Kandinsky. His painting of ‘Circles’ has inspired our compositions.

In geometry, we have focussed on the patterns you can see within a piece of fruit.

Year 1 children painted flowers and bees with watercolours.
Year 2 children made collages using maps which are important to them.

Year 2 based their learning around Mondrian’s ‘Composition with Red, Blue and Yellow’. They completed their own unique version in the same style.
Year 3 children have created pieces in the style of an illustrator.

Year 4 children have created geometrical patterns using shapes and natural resources.

Year 5

Year 6

Harmony Art Exhibition 2024

Harmony Art Exhibition 2020

Our interpretation of Monet's Water Lillie's

Our interpretation of Monet's Water Lillie's
Art in Harmony Week 2018
At St. John’s, we enjoyed a Creative Harmony week inspired by ‘Tobias and the Angel’ by Andrea del Verrocchio. Each class analysed the work and learnt about the story of the painting. Writing was inspired and, of course, each class produced some amazing art through a range of media which was displayed at our Harmony exhibition.

Pottery at St John’s with Stevie Carter
Each year group takes part in an exciting pottery unit with Stevie every year. They experiment manipulating and moulding clay and design and make some fantastic clay models linked to current topics. These are then fired in the kiln and displayed around our school.

Year 5 Rainforest Totem Poles
In pottery, we have made cylinders that have been used to form our ‘Rainforest Totem Poles’. We had to mould the cylinders then make rainforest animals and place them where we wanted using clay.
It has been displayed outside the brick wall near the glass corridor. We love that it is displayed and it is wonderful that people can see it every day. We hope that people love it as much as we do. This has been the best experience ever. It is taller than all of us. Thank you Stevie! (Leah, Gabby and Layla)